Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Mysterious big bang, possibly an ice quake, shakes Alberta village in Canada.

Cracks in the ice

ALBERTA BEACH, Alta. -- Some residents of a village west of Edmonton awoke earlier this week to a very loud bang, and in the morning they reported cracks in homes and the ground.

Two seismic events wreaked havoc on homes in a small village northwest of Edmonton late Monday night.
The 2.0 magnitude quakes happened around 11:45 p.m, a spokesperson from the Alberta Energy Regulator said in a statement to CBC News Tuesday.

Staff at the energy regulator continue to investigate but said preliminary information suggests that "both events are consistent with reports of an earthquake."
A spokesperson for the regulator said they believe Alberta Beach suffered from two naturally caused ice quakes.
Ice quakes happen when cold winter temperatures quickly freeze groundwater, causing the ground to suddenly crack and make popping sounds.
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